Mar 17, 2018
Google receives 300 million job-related search requests each month, which makes up nearly 30 percent of all Google searches. Unfortunately, for many organizations, there's often a significant disconnect between how job seekers search for opportunities and how recruiters post jobs. Consequently, it's all too easy for a job posting to evaporate into cyberspace and become an invisible blip in a sea of information, even with seven out of every 10 (or more) job searches starting online.
Using SEM and SEO strategies can boost recruiters' chances of getting a job opening noticed. Here are a few simple recruiting hacks that can help your next job posting find its way to the right candidates.
Listen to this article written and read by author Ira S Wolfe and posted on ReWork.
Resources: Google Keyword Planner (FREE)
Paid Keyword Tools: Moz, SEMRush, Wordstream